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Terex Cranes has unveiled its new Demag AC45 City today. Based on the AC40 City the new crane has a 31.2 metre main boom which can telescope up to 19.7 tonnes.

The company also announced a new 300 tonne AC300-6 replacing the 250 tonne AC250-6, the development of a new 60 tonne three axle AC60-3 and 80 tonne four axle AC80-4.
Thomas Schramm introduces the Demag AC45 City
Overall length is 8.69 metres, with an overall height of just over three metres. Gross Vehicle Weight depends on counterweight requirements, ranging from 26 to 34 tonnes, with 10 tonne axle weights possible in a practical working configuration. The new model will be available from July next year.
The new Demag AC45City crane