Tadano Panama will be officially closed

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Tadano has established a new regional sales and service subsidiary in Chile, as part of its programme to strengthen sales and expand market share outside of Japan. 

The Chilean company was formally registered at the end of November but is now set up and ready to start trading from its offices in Santiago. It will take over as the regional sales and service hub for all of Central and South American Markets, except Mexico, Cuba, and Brazil. The president of the new subsidiary is Koji Sato. 

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Tadano Panama will officially close later this month, the company also has a sales and service operation in Brazil - Tadano Brasil Equipamentos de Elevacao based in Sao Paulo. It also has distributors in Argentina, Colombia, and the Dominican Republic. 

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Tadano said: “in order to get closer to the southern regions of South America where demand for cranes is high, and to build a more locally based sales and service system there, we decided to establish a new subsidiary in Chile. We believe that Central and South America is an important market for us with great potential moving forward. We aim to further increase sales and share in this market.”

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